Sunday, 9 December 2012

Changed Narrative

To maintain our post modernistic concept of our music video we decided to tweak the narrative of our video. With the input of the performance it has forced us to change the narrative again. We originally had the idea of our protagonist waking up from a nightmare, but in that state of 'reality' he was in fact having the same nightmare and then this occurred for a third time until the audience then realised that he was in fact in a psychiatric hospital, which explained everything and added to the suspense.

With the added performance we decided that the original narrative would be too confusing for the audience, so with the extraction of the Spring Hall shots we only have the protagonist waking up twice (once at Beacon Hill and then on the hospital bed) just for clarification. We have also decided to en corporate short clips of our protagonist struggling in a hospital bed so its slightly more obvious for the audience to follow the narrative.

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