Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Jeepers Creepers Final Version

This is our final verion of Jeepers Creepers by  Fear The Lizard. Enjoy.

Final Evaluation

After creating our final version of our music video with all the little corrections made to it, we made a video evaluation of our process of making the music video, the things we changed due to feedback along the way and things we were happy or unhappy with throughout the course.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Using Sony Vegas

Throughout our whole video we edited it on Sony Vegas Pro. This software really helped us and was very useful in providing us with a lot of effects that we were able to put onto our video. 

The image below is a fully rendered version of our video in 720 widescreen. We faced a few problems when editing because Tom's camera filmed in HD which then slowed down the playback and caused a few issues.

We took the opacity down from the original shot of our protagonist so we could have a flash of a shot of the clown layered over the top. We did this simply by dragging the opacity bar down from the top of the shot, on the timeline.

For this shot, we realised that we had broken the 180 degree rule so we had to flip the shot around. We did this simply by clicking on the 'Event Pan/Crop'  symbol on the shot on the timeline. Once this box was opened, all we had to do was right click and select 'flip horizontal' now the 180 degree rule has not been broken.

On the shots of the clown, we decided that we needed to make the colours more saturated so on each shot we selected the Saturation Adjust and then the Boost Midtones on the Media FX menu.

On the shots of the protagonist in the hospital bed, we decided we wanted a green tint on the shots after realising that this would further distinguish the narrative of our protagonist in the hospital bed. In the Media FX menu we selected colour corrector then Green Highlight, we applied this to every shot of the protagonist in the hospital bed.

On the shots of the band performing, we wanted a stylised effect to get across an urban feel reflecting the location and to contrast the woods in the rest of the video. To do this we selected Unsharp Mask in the Media FX menu and then on this, we created our own preset which gave the shot an almost cartoon effect.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Magazine Album Advert Final Design

Here is our final version of our album advert that would be published in a magazine. After studying all three adverts we decided that we liked the aesthetics of this advert the best. Our feedback was undecided as to which they liked the best.

Magazine Album Advert Feedback Video

For our album advert feedback we decided to create a video instead of several paragraphs. We created this video using Sony Vegas.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Magazine Advert Designs

We created this album advert in photoshop. Tom took a photograph of a plain bricked wall for the background. This fits with the urban theme of the performance element of the music video. It also fits with the inside panels of our digipak. The line in between information is inspired by White Lies' Ritual poster as it gives a sophisticated layout. The 3 main colours we have used are conventional of album adverts and the album cover art that is used on the advert so fans or readers of the advert recognise the album when it is out. We have also put tour dates on the poster as a lot of examples that we have looked at seem to have this information. We also placed the record label logo for Milestone Recording ltd. this is in the bottom right corner. This first example is with normal colour levels on the background, but with lower saturation levels on  the brick background to get that grainy effect.

This example is with the colour levels darkened along with the reduction of saturation again. All this has been done in photoshop. Because we lowered all these effects the brightness of the red text had to be increased so that it was more visible to the reader.

This example is with the background colour levels lightened and the main body of text black instead of white. With this one we didnt have to change the colour of the red font because it stood out perfectly well. The only problem we had with this advert is that because we changed the main text font to black it was unclear to read the magazine review quotes towards the bottom. With this we had to change some effects like saturation, contrast and brightness so the it was readable.

Logo for Ancillary Tasks

We wanted to create a logo for a recording company that we would place onto our ancillary texts, so we all decided on a font and used the 'M' of that font and then placed it into photoshop. All the red sections were white before and we didn't really want white because it wasn't clear enough when placed on the back of the digipak, so we replaced the white with red so that it stood out more. We also added a text box at the bottom of the logo because this follows typical conventions of most logos which has the full name of the company on it somewhere.